
Un prólogo --- A Preface

The purpose of this blog is not to brag by any means. I believe that if one is given the opportunity to travel they should. There is much to see in this world. I say this and I have seen only a relatively small portion of the world myself. I am merely stating what I have seen over the course of ten days in Argentina. Ten days is insufficient to pass any sort of judgment on Argentina, nor is it to make in depth observations. Nevertheless, in this blog (named for and modeled specifically after Ernesto “Che” Guevara’s Motorcycle Diaries) I attempt to show you what I have seen, heard, felt, tasted and sensed during the course of my voyage.

My father, a flight attendant, took me and my brother Steven down to Buenos Aires, dropped us off there for a week and we traveled the country. We went westward to Rosario, Córdoba and Mendoza and then back to Buenos Aires again to rendezvous with our father to come home. We saw much, loved most, and remembered all of it. Without further ado, my notes on this trip, take them as you like.

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